Parthenia Manor Senior Club




Published Monthly by the Parthenia Manor Senior Club — December 2006 Internet Edition

Text Box: The Real Meaning of Christmas
A Christmas Poem by Joseph P. Martino 

Two thousand years ago the King of Kings was born.
'The Lamb of God' later made to feel the thorn,
If his words are accepted and not scorned,
They will make us all reborn.

Though God's grace, Joseph and Mary presented
A gift to the world that day, which we can all repay,
by living the ten commandments each and every day.

Try to remember and keep in your heart and mind
Jesus's gospel while here on Earth,
Redemption not a life lived in constant mirth. 
Peace on Earth, good will toward man
Everyone should try it, whenever they can.

The Lord gave us the option and choice of 'free will,'
Now it's up to us to fit the bill.

So when you’re Christmas shopping for family 
and friends,
and money is tight at both ends,
Remember that the greatest gift of all,
Is your love of Jesus in the manger stall.

Peace on Earth and

to men of goodwill…

Happy holidays to all.


Around the Building…

Around the Block


Editor’s Note


Christmas Celebrations

Around the World


Christmas Philippine Style


December Birthday Celebrants


Friendly Holidays Recipes


Health Corner


A Word from the Office


Leisure and Fun Trips




December Calendar of Events


PM Christmas Party 2006


CMS Warns Seniors Against

Phone Scam



Christmas Around the World


For the majority of Australians, Christmas Down Under has all the glitter, tinsel and razzmatazz of a Christmas in New York, London Paris or Vancouver. The major difference is on weather. Christmas Down Under is never White. Christmas is special to the majority of Australians for it is their summer holiday season.

Australia is a harmonious mix of many ethnic groups  with roots from England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Europe, Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Middle East, Vietnam, China, Japan, Philippines, Thailand as well as North and South America. Each of these national groups brings the color, customs and festive rituals of the Christmas celebrated in their respective homelands.


One tradition of this Portuguese-speaking country is to create a nativity scene or Presépio. The word originated from the Hebrew  "presepium" which means the bed of straw upon which Jesus first slept in Bethlehem.

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